From XVI to XVIII centuries, the most common and accepted precious metal for trade operations in the world, aside from gold, was silver, and the New Spain (ancient Mexico), was the biggest producer of this mineral and a big part of this production was extracted from a little village among little mountains and big hills, today known as Taxco.

Located two hours and a half from Mexico City, Taxco is considered a magic town. It is settled over hills and has a warm weather. It is common, in its steep streets and alleys, to watch red roofs and white walls with commercial signboards with a singular typography from the beginning of XXth century, but its main attraction is the Santa Prisca Parish.

In the central square there are little yards and a kiosk, there are all kind of typical sweet and salad snacks for sale. However, is very recommendable to taste the ice popsicles of Mexican fruits flavors, yummy, yummy.

In front of La Borda square, also known as the central square, there is, very haughty, with its two churrigueresque towers, the Santa Prisca Parish, a construction from XVIII century dedicated to Catholic cult. In front has a pink quarry facade from novohispanic baroque era with an infinity of details that can only be viewed with an analytic vision: virgins, angels, faces, baroque columns, saints, Catholic symbols, a Mexican eagle over a cactus guarded by angels and even a clock in the top part of the facade. A real pleasure to watch  slowly to discover all the images.

But inside, the wonders don’t end, there are retouched and covered with gold leaves altarpieces, the monumental organ with 250 flutes and pieces from Europe, the beautiful chorus, paints and a beautiful wood pulpit that comes from almost 250 years. Also inside, in addition of many Catholic figures, there is a very special Guadalupe Virgin of 140 kilos of pure silver, 175 centimeters tall and 40 centimeters base.

The Santa Prisca Parish, is for many connoisseurs, the maximum piece of work of baroque from the New Spain. Taxco, and its great silver tradition, today is vanguard in jewelry design, that’s why is worth to take the time to enter inside one of the local shops and watch the beautiful designs. Please, if you like something, before deciding to buy it, compare prices and designs.

Finally, you can’t miss a trip in the cableway, is a brief ride, but is absolutely enjoyable and from the top you can take excellent pictures. Enjoy an exceptional view and let our private guide to tell you great stories and anecdotes.

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