One of the closer destinies to Mexico City is Puebla, the most important city between the port of Veracruz and the capital city. Here lived the Cholultecas, an indigenous civilization, who built a city that left traces all around: an indigenous language, a wide variety of foods, and especially, a great pyramid known as the Pyramid of Cholula, who at first sight, seems like a little hill. However, is a construction that surprises, because its base is wider than Egypt Pyramids, but not its height.

The top of the pyramid has a surrealistic touch. If we look with interest and historic understanding, we’ll discover, that for a better Catholic faith assimilation, Spanish religious put their images above the images from the local people already conquered.

After ascending the Tlachihualtépetl, your prize will be seeing the temple of the Virgin of Remedies and watch inside the exquisite baroque style artistic details. Also, two extras from the heights: first, at south the Iztaccihuatl and Popocatépetl volcanoes, occasionally they forget their shyness and show themselves in all their fullness; and in second place, the throbbing city of Puebla and its contour on the horizon as modern and colonial metropolis.

Puebla is a mix of colonial and modern buildings. Puebla was founded by the Spanish in 1531. First was called City of Angels and now is known as Puebla de los Angeles. Its historic center was declared as human heritage and is full of colonial architecture and its cathedral is the most impressive sign. In addition to its facade, inside it can be appreciated a big hall with religious paints, 14 chapels, the major altar, the chorus and the organs.

Near there, there is the Palafoxian Library, one of the first in all American continent. Its vast collection of books from XV to XIX centuries is distributed in two levels of fine woods shelvings with an infinity of artistic details

The second piece or construction is the Rosario Chapel, that was considered the eighth world wonder. It’s located very close to the cathedral, but compared with the Metropolitan Cathedral, is a little construction. You won’t have enough eyes to appreciate the refined baroque details. Is not a common place, there are people that compare this artistic work with the better ones of the Italian renaissance.

Below a vault, there is an altar with 12 marble columns and inside the throne where is the Rosario Virgin, who has a pearl necklace on her hands. There is a baroque exuberance in its decorated and shows in her art and religious symbolism, the way humanity must follow to come to God. In the wide variety of places of Puebla, it’s unforgivable not to visit and listen the stories of the Rosario Chapel.

Finally, the Puebla historic center streets offer to their visitors a beautiful view of decorations called ‘talaveras poblanas’, that are little crockery mosaics with kaleidoscopic figures that form birds, indigenous symbols and geometric pieces. These mosaics decorate the facades of the historic center buildings, but beyond there are plates, jars, vases, religious articles and decorative figures.

This tour from btuvi lasts 12 hours from Mexico City, but hearing in voice of our certified guides, transforms the inconvenient of fatigue travel in very nice talks and anecdotes. Seeing again these places in your memories will make you have no doubt of this enjoyable election.

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