Privacy Notice (hereafter BTUVI) with address in Aquilés Serdán Av. 464 TB 304, Ángel Zimbrón, Azcapotzalco, 02099, Ciudad de México, México, with the objective of complying the Particular Private Possession of Personal Information Law of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos (hereafter ley), inform to the clients and users of the website that it is the responsible of the personal data that you voluntarily provide through our website. We inform you about our privacy policy, including the manage of personal information established by the law, with the purpose of guarantee the privacy of your personal data y the right to the informative self-determination in the use and manage of your data.

On that basis, we ask you to read carefully the present document, and only in case of agree with the terms and conditions contained in it, give us your personal data, which will be used exclusively for the described purposes in this advice and on the website assuming that the fact you provide us your personal data supposes your consent of the terms and conditions of the present advice.

As a result, before collecting your personal data and information, you confirm you have read the present “Privacy Advice”, through which BTUVI gives you notice about the data that could be recollected by this media, its purpose, the right to transfer it to third partners, the media to limit its use or divulgation, as well as the mechanisms to exert the right of access, rectification, position and/or cancellation or your data on the basis of the following interpretation:


1.- Data collect.

Personal. When you are in our website you can make queries, reservations, tour payments with a credit card, comments, suggestions or contact us for any purpose: tour information, prices, destinies, subdestinies, activities, restaurants, menues, touring service languages of our company and even for sending us curricular information to apply in some of the laboral opportunities of our company. For this, we’ll collect from you this kind of information:

Personal Identification: Such as your identification as a person: complete name, e-mail, country of origin, address, local phone number and cell phone numbers (mobile phones).

Method of Payment: BTUVI has an agreement with a certified provider as an intermediary entity between our company and your bank, who codes your credit card information with its security systems, that’s why BTUVI doesn’t have access to your credit card information. However, and only in case of the need of a clarification, BTUVI could receive from you or from our internal providers such information.

Sensitive. We inform you that through our website, BTUVI doesn’t collect or use sensitive personal information for the development of its activities. When sharing some information, we suggest you to restrict any kind of sensitive information.

Purpose of data processing.

The data processing from BTUVI shall be limited to the fulfillment of the processing purposes planned in this Privacy Advice, according to:

I.- Book our touring services.

II.- Realize payments through our website linked to our payment intermediate providers, among your credit card, banks and BTUVI.

III. Identify you and give you the touring service.

  1. Resolve your requests, doubts or comments you send us through our website.
  2. Send you information, you could be interested in.
  3. Keep in touch with you.

Data transfer.

BTUVI may transfer your personal information to third parties with who maintains a legal relationship, just in order to fulfill with the purposes described in the Privacy Advice. BTUVI may also transfer your personal data in the specific cases described by the law.

Forms of making valid the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or oposition.

You may make valid the rights described in law, by the presentation the format ·Formato Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación u Oposición”, hereafter “Formato de Derechos ARCO”,,

the same you can solicit us to the e-mail address Likewise, you can revoke, anytime, the consent you have given and was necessary for your data treatment, as well as to limit its use and divulgation, must contemplating the procedure described below, understanding that your request will be solved in 15 days at the latest. For this you may:

Submit the “Formato de Derechos ARCO” to the e-mail clearly expressing your petition.

With the “Formato de Derechos ARCO” you must include a scanned copy of any of your valid identifications or the document which accredits your powers of representation or the document which accredit the legal representation that you have (in case that you are not the owner).

Clearly describe the personal information from you want to take some “Derecho ARCO”, attaching all the corresponding files.

Hold BTUVI resolve your request in a term no longer to the previously mentioned, for wich we’ll contact you by e-mail and will inform you that your answer is available and we’ll send it shortly to your e-mail.

Finally, and in case your petition have been accepted, BTUVI will proceed, within five days after sending the answer to your e-mail, to do the correspondent actions related to the right you have applied. In case your petition were accepted, your data will be blocked in terms of the law and later, supressed.

Privacy Advice Changes.

Any change to this Privacy Advice will be made on the website indicating the update date.

Use of tracking technologies.

When you are on our website some non personal information is collected through cookies and web beacons. The collecting of this information is automatically realized by just use and interact with our website. This information could be different protocol internet addresses, operation system, kind of browser, location (when you navigate in a mobile device) and the route you follow inside our website.

The purpose of collecting this data is statistical, just to know our website’s behavior, such as number of entrances, time of navigation, referral sites to our own site, users profile upgrade and to update the information we give you through our website.

In case you don’t want this kind of technologies woul be installed in your computer, plese check the website, where you will obtain a practical guide to disable this technologies. Likewise, possibly our website would refer you to other sites, from which BTUVI don’t have any kind of control or responsibility of its contents and its privacy politics.

Actions to prevent no-authorized use and divulgation.

BTUVI will keep confidentiality with the personal data it collects. This data will subsist although after the ending of its treatment, in agreement with the terms of this document.

Personal data are managed and sheltered by using databases, wich are managed only by people designated by BTUVI, without being allowed its use, query, handling or access to no authorized persons and are safeguarded through a several security mechanisms and procedures, administrative security, technological and physical measures that protect it against damage, losses, alterations and destructions.

April 2022

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